Wednesday, March 28, 2007

How To Surround Yourself with Positive Energy

Last week, March 21, on the Inspiring Energy Boost, we learned how to surround ourselves with White Light to keep us safe and protected when we are going into or are in a situation where we might not feel so good.

Here are the steps for you to use:

First, either find a comfortable place to sit or stand, feet on the floor, eyes closed.
Now let’s take about 3 cleansing breaths – breathing in deeply and out with a noise of sorts.

Step one.
As you take in your next breath, imagine that you are drawing in energy from from the heavens, from the sky, through your 7th chakra, on the crown of your head.

Step two.
As that powerful energy enters you, imagine on your exhale that the energy, the breath comes out from your heart.

Step three.
As you continue to breath in through the crown of your head and out through the heart, imagine, visualize that breath, that energy forming a white light bubble around you. See the bubble of energy, of light, of breath completely around you, like you are in a ball of universal energy, where nothing can get through, unless you let it.

Step four.
Sit with that bubble visual for a minute, feel it fully.

Try these steps (they take only a moment) and let me know how they feel for you.

To improving your energy!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Simple Random Actions for Kindness

Today on the Inspiring Energy Boost we discussed how performing or receiving Acts of Kindness gives us hope, connects us and raises our energy. There were examples shared by all on the call and here is a partial list:

  • Letting someone in line in front of you at the store.
  • Allowing drivers to merge in front of you.
  • Buying the person behind you in line a coffee.
  • Being gracious and acknowledging someone's "I'm sorry" when they knock into you.
  • Remembering birthdays and sickness with cards.
  • Putting a quarter in the parking meter randomly.
  • During a big snow - shoveling for a neighbor.
  • Making eye contact and smiling at people.
  • Saying hello to people who look at you.
  • Responding to a sneeze with a quick "Bless you or Gesundheit."

How many more can you think of? Add them in your response here.

And when you do a random act, notice how you feel, how you respond. Let us all share in your good feelings by adding a post on this blog.

To feeling good!

A New Beginning


After many months away from the Inspiring Energy blog, I have returned! There are so many new things to talk about and subjects to discuss.

For today, we will be talking about how random acts, simple acts of kindness raise your vibration and improve your energy.

Consider the following questions:

  • When have you been the recipient of someone doing random acts of kindness for you?
  • How did it make you feel?
  • When have you offered a random act of kindness?
  • How did/does it feel for you?

Today on the Inspiring Energy Boost we brainstormed a list of random, simple kindness actions and committed to doing one that was easy and one that was a stretch. Once you've taken action please post here to let us know how it impacted you.

Have an inspiring day!