Sunday, December 23, 2007

Winter Solstice Celebration

There's something amazing about the Winter Solstice time. I get a rush every year when I realize that we've just passed the date when the days start to get longer again.

Today I went to a Winter Solstice Concert at Link's Hall in Chicago. The performers Hamid Drake & Michael Zerang are AMAZING percussionists/drummers. The concert began at 6 am and lasts for about 75 minutes. The audience was led through a series of improvisations by the two artists that grew and grew in energy and intention. By the end I felt wonderful, energized and inspired. There's something about doing something new, something different, something that takes you out of your normal comfort zone that is so powerful.

When we left the program, the sun was up, the snow was falling and the winds were blustering. It felt just right.

Happy Solstice!

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Create Customized Radio Stations and feel GREAT!

Music can have a big impact on our emotions, our energy and our vibration. I don't know anyone who doesn't occasionally belt out a song when they think no one's listening, just because they feel so good when they do. is a website that allows you to create your own radio stations, without advertisements, really easily AND it is offered without any charge. Go check it out. Plug in what you want and enjoy listening to ONLY what you want to hear! How great is that?

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Eyes to the world.

Travelling to Minneapolis for thanksgiving, I notice how many people are squinting and not able to look at others easily.
Energy is passed through our eyes and connection. Get your eyes checked!

Natalie Goldfein
Sent via BlackBerry

How do you deal with Negative Self Talk?

Negative Self-talk is a big energy vampire. To hear a system for breaking the negative self-talk habit….go to and listen.

To your energy….

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

See the Goal as Complete

Today on the Inspiring Energy Boost we talked about how the end of the year is a perfect time to accomplish the goals we want to complete. So we took a few steps to make that happen more easily by aligning ourselves vibrationally with what we want to achieve.
a. Identify 5 goals you'd like to see done by the end of the year.
b. Pick one and focus on it, FEEL what it will be like to have it completed.
c. Create a list of the steps you need to do to get to the goal. Start with completion and work back to the present.
d. See yourself accomplishing each step and feel how it would feel.
e. Plot those steps into your calendar.
f. Find a way to remind yourself of the goal daily. Go to the FEELing space of it every day.
g. Watch what happens.
This process is a quick energy raiser, and will get you into a vibrational match with what you have decided YOU want to do.

What do YOU want to do???

Friday, October 05, 2007

Get the Blood Flowing

Feeling a little down, a little depleted, a touch yuchy? The easiest and fastest and healthiest way to change that is to do some exercising. What works for you? Is it push-ups, sit-ups, stretching or aerobicizing (oh, I love that word!) Whatever it is, make sure to do it. Take 10 or 30 minutes and move your body.
Lately I've been doing my walking in the neighborhood listening to great upbeat music and then doing a 24-25 minute stretch routine with Miranda Esmonde White's Classical Stretch DVD. I LOVE her approach, it's clean, simple and really effective. I recommend it highly, and it's great for travel - you don't even need to leave your room. You'll feel stretched, confident and strong.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Surfing....spend a moment at Gimundo

Whenever I watch or read the news, I find myself wishing there was more "good" news being printed and spoken. How come it's always about the bad stuff going on? Isn't good more important, really??
Today I revisited, and was instantly uplifted. This site brings you information about health, heroes, products, experiences that are positive and upbeat. And I even found a link for serious scrabble enthusiasts - what a great way to spend a few minutes a day....playing scrabble with people from all over the world.
Check out Gimundo - it will put a smile on your face.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Beautiful Environments and Great People

I just returned from Capital Camps in Waynesboro, PA where I was a facilitator for a day. During my brief visit, I was taken with how great my energy felt. And what I realized is that being in beautiful places, rolling hills and lush surroundings, makes a difference. When I took my morning walk up the Liberty "mountain", I found myself singing outloud because there was so much open space and air and light.
Equally wonderful was the day of working with a group from BBYO - so dedicated to their cause and so happy to be together, learning and creating.
Surrounding yourself with good people and environments that speak to you can make all the difference......

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Read a Great Book

I just completed Elizabeth Gilbert's book "Eat, Pray, Love". This is her personal journey through 3 countries over a year's time. It was inspirational, funny, entertaining and the kind of book that had me wanting to gobble it up as well as take my sweet time in reading it. You know, the kind of book that completely takes you away from it all.

I highly recommend this book and know that reading inspiring books raises your vibration and your energy with little effort on your part. You get to enjoy and get jazzed, all at the same time.

Try it, you won't be disappointed.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

When was the last time you took a real REST

How hard do you push yourself? How often do you wish you could just lie down and close your eyes for 20 or 45 minutes?

Do you let yourself do it?

Chances are if you do, your energy will increase. Our bodies tell us when they need all sorts of things, food, water, exercise, (a new outfit :), and rest. Most of this we listen to. But the resting thing, well it often seems to get lost in the shuffle.

Give yourself a break, take a'll feel better once you do.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Just Get it DONE!

You know how you feel when you accomplish something big, like finishing that paper for a class, cleaning your closets, or painting a room? Well imagine what it would feel like to clear your plate of your distractions daily.

Getting things done is a great Energy Booster. It frees us up. It's as if with every finished task you take a weight off of yourself. We get lighter, we have more energy, we smile more and we feel accomplished. It's worth doing and not putting off, isn't it?

So....what can you get done today?

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Summer Inspirations

Summer is the perfect time to lay back a bit and slow down. It is also a great time to play with powerful creation techniques.

Here's a quick energy boosting process that is perfect for making summer even better.

  • Ask yourself - what do I want to be able to answer when someone asks me "what did you do on your summer vacation?" :)
  • List 3-5 things that you would like to do this summer, that would make you feel like it was a great summer for you.
  • Now focus on one of them.
  • Close your eyes, and really feel what it will be like when you've done it!
  • Now, open your eyes and let's work backwords. List 5 steps that you need to take in order to make this great thing happen.
  • Put those 5 things into your calendar and do them
    (Bonus point: Put the end result dream somewhere where you will see it every single day....keep your sights on'll be surprised.)

You've started the process in motion to create a great summer for yourself. Let's hear how you've made it happen!

To your success and enjoyment!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Energy Zappers: A Solution.......

We've all experienced it, people who are operating in a very negative energetic space, and the energy starts to bleed over and impacts us. It doesn't feel good, not at all. So what can you do?

Today on the Inspiring Energy Boost we talked about the Glass Jar technique - which will protect you in extreme scenarios (and even not so extreme):

1. Take your energy – vibration pulse – 1-10 10 being highest, where are you right now? Mark it down.
2. Now, I’d like you to bring to mind someone who you have to be in contact with – a co- worker, boss, client…..someone you can’t extricate yourself from at the moment, for whatever reason.
3. Next imagine yourself having contact with that person….having a conversation with them… in that space for a moment. Take your energy vibration pulse. It’s probably fairly low…..
4. Ok, now let’s reroll the tape. Go back to imagining that EZ person. They are coming to talk to you. You however, are in a jar… is a glass jar…..and you can see them, and even hear them, they can come right up to the glass and be in your face, but their energy cannot get through to you, because there is glass between you.
5. Now, sit with that conversation, and with you inside the jar, protected from their energy, and listening to them, knowing they cannot impact you with their energy. Does this feel different? What is your energy pulse/rating?
Another way of shifting the negative energy in a situation is to take 5-10 deep breaths. On the exhale let out some sound. Your energy will change very quickly (oh, and you may get a little lightheaded - enjoy!) and the energy in the room will change as well.
What other ways do you know to help yourself survive the Energy Zappers?
To you.....

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Energy Zappers

Frustrated with those distractions and Energy Zappers (EZs)?

What does one do about them?

Well first and foremost you MUST identify what they are for you. They are different for each of us, but they have the same effect, they take the good energy out of us.

The distractions are little/manageable things.....they are fairly easy to get rid of. But the EZs, those can be another story. They are more serious and they carry more weight in the "getting us off our direct path to success" journey.

Once you've identified the distractions and Energy Zappers, make a firm commitment to dump AS MANY AS YOU CAN. Do it immediately. Either do 'em (clean a closet, make a call) or dump 'em (move 'em out). Just by reducing some of the distraction'll feel lighter and more easy on your path.

With the EZs, set some boundaries, set limits, have conversations with them and be aware of what the tradeoff is for you in not removing them. These take more time, and they may take some help - call a friend or work with a coach to assist you in making the changes in your world.

There's a great tool I've been working with lately from Mark Joyner, the founder of Simpleology (the sale is fairly hardcore, but I swear, the free software is tremendous - so get over it!) It is a web-based program that is great for helping to get clarity around what you want, why you want it, how to get it and how to keep yourself VERY focused so that you are using your good energy to achieve what you want. There's a wonderful 20 part online course that goes with the software. Don't skip it, it's clever and fun.

AND it helps with dumping the distractions and limiting the EZs, because you quickly become aware of how you are spending your time and where you are putting your focus.

Give it a whirl if you are so inclined and let us know what you think!


Monday, May 21, 2007

Dumping Distractions

It is a glorious monday morning, filled with ample possibility for a wildly successful and productive day. There's clarity, focus and direction - I've made sure that's there, so it should work - right??

Well yes, of course, I have a great plan.....and yet.....moment by moment there are little nagging distractions that take me away from that clarity, focus and direction. And they pop up all the time.

Here's a partial list - we all have our own....

stuff on the desk
thoughts that come up
feelings that start surfacing
good weather
bad weather

What happens when any of these distractions pop up? Well mostly they throw us off our path, sometimes the distraction leads us to something great, and even better, but often they slow us down in whatever direction we're headed. I sometimes think that the distractions are helping all to become ADD. (think about it, it was much easier to focus when there were fewer distractions - remember the 50's? teehee.....)

Right now, today, I'm going to think about what ALL my distractions are. Then I'll think about how to dump 'em, or move 'em away.

What about you?

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Being Present

We spend so much of our time being distracted. It's normal, but it's not necessarily the best thing for operating at optimal energetic and vibrational levels.

The quickest way to get anything done is to stay focused on the task, get rid of the distractions and be present for the work. Not always easy, and just by seeing how many of us don't get our work done in a way that we're happy with, we can often use some help in getting better at this simple system.

One great way to start developing your "get it done" energy, is to be aware of being fully present for situations in your life. When was the last time you remember being fully engaged, tuned in, without distraction, for something? What did it feel like? How did it work for you?

Being present is a GREAT energy booster. Once you are there - in a state of presence - and then you come out of it, you will have gained two things. The first is the power of being completely present/focused on what you are experiencing which feels amazing....even if it hurts emotionally. The second outcome is that your energy will be raised when it is over, remember how you felt after the last thing you remember being fully present for?

Try it - you'll be amazed.

To you.....

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Asking for help

How is it that asking for help can serve to increase our energy?

It's all about the "come from".....asking with an open heart, listening fully to the answer, being and showing gratitude and offering compliments and thanks to the person who gives you an answer.

When we allow ourselves to be vulnerable, to truly ask and truly receive, our energy will shift....and so will the energy of the person who was helpful to us.

When was the last time you asked for real help? What happened? How did you feel?

Think about asking for help the next time you need an energy boost, you'll be surprised at what happens.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

How To Surround Yourself with Positive Energy

Last week, March 21, on the Inspiring Energy Boost, we learned how to surround ourselves with White Light to keep us safe and protected when we are going into or are in a situation where we might not feel so good.

Here are the steps for you to use:

First, either find a comfortable place to sit or stand, feet on the floor, eyes closed.
Now let’s take about 3 cleansing breaths – breathing in deeply and out with a noise of sorts.

Step one.
As you take in your next breath, imagine that you are drawing in energy from from the heavens, from the sky, through your 7th chakra, on the crown of your head.

Step two.
As that powerful energy enters you, imagine on your exhale that the energy, the breath comes out from your heart.

Step three.
As you continue to breath in through the crown of your head and out through the heart, imagine, visualize that breath, that energy forming a white light bubble around you. See the bubble of energy, of light, of breath completely around you, like you are in a ball of universal energy, where nothing can get through, unless you let it.

Step four.
Sit with that bubble visual for a minute, feel it fully.

Try these steps (they take only a moment) and let me know how they feel for you.

To improving your energy!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Simple Random Actions for Kindness

Today on the Inspiring Energy Boost we discussed how performing or receiving Acts of Kindness gives us hope, connects us and raises our energy. There were examples shared by all on the call and here is a partial list:

  • Letting someone in line in front of you at the store.
  • Allowing drivers to merge in front of you.
  • Buying the person behind you in line a coffee.
  • Being gracious and acknowledging someone's "I'm sorry" when they knock into you.
  • Remembering birthdays and sickness with cards.
  • Putting a quarter in the parking meter randomly.
  • During a big snow - shoveling for a neighbor.
  • Making eye contact and smiling at people.
  • Saying hello to people who look at you.
  • Responding to a sneeze with a quick "Bless you or Gesundheit."

How many more can you think of? Add them in your response here.

And when you do a random act, notice how you feel, how you respond. Let us all share in your good feelings by adding a post on this blog.

To feeling good!

A New Beginning


After many months away from the Inspiring Energy blog, I have returned! There are so many new things to talk about and subjects to discuss.

For today, we will be talking about how random acts, simple acts of kindness raise your vibration and improve your energy.

Consider the following questions:

  • When have you been the recipient of someone doing random acts of kindness for you?
  • How did it make you feel?
  • When have you offered a random act of kindness?
  • How did/does it feel for you?

Today on the Inspiring Energy Boost we brainstormed a list of random, simple kindness actions and committed to doing one that was easy and one that was a stretch. Once you've taken action please post here to let us know how it impacted you.

Have an inspiring day!