Monday, October 06, 2008

I'm back

It's been some time since I last wrote.

What I'm finding right now is that I'm obsessed with what's happening in the media. Economics, politics, spin, power and energy. And it's alot of yuch.

What we hear, what we let in, really does influence us. It can change our mood, our thoughts, and our energy. It can zap us, or it can empower us.

Just for the record, I'm a big TV watcher. Yes, I know, it's not considered very cool, but I have always liked TV - so I watch it. But honestly, I'm in overload now with the US presidential election. It has become insulting. The energy out of the MP camp is upsetting - fear based, attacking and irresponsible. I find myself upset about the spin that is allowed to take place, and the untruths that are set out. I also find the choice for VP candidate to say it all about John McCain. She is an irresponsible choice - he has shown us that his judgement is off. As Alec Baldwin said on Real Time with Bill Maher, John McCain's time was in 2000, not now.

I encourage all of us to remember to hold on to the thoughts that bring us pleasure right now. Not the ones where we get an adrenalin rush from feeling competitive or better, but the ones that are filled with kindness. We are being challenged right now by lots of emotional pulls, and we can be helpful by finding the things that make us feel good. So let's do it.

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